Friday, December 21, 2012
Jabari Parker chooses duke
With a deep breath and a smile, Jabari Parker held up a blue T-shirt with a bright, white “D” on it. All around the Simeon Career Academy gym on the South Side here, cameras flashed and TV cameras rolled as the country learned that Parker would play college basketball at Duke. Parkers decision was a national sports event and the senior gets treated almost like a celebrity.Parker a 6-foot-8 senior, has led Simeon to three consecutive Illinois state championships, has dazzled on A.A.U. courts across the country and was coveted by college coaches. His exceptional post moves and jump shot are perhaps exceeded by his biography: an African-American follower of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in urban Chicago. Parker was put on the cover of Sports Illustrated and labeled “the best high school basketball player since LeBron James.” The article was accompanied by questions of whether he would serve the church on a mission upon graduation. He said Thursday that he would not but might later in life. His increasing fame doesnt get to him where he comes across as a regular young man remarkably adept at handling the spotlight. Everybody knows I hate attention,” Parker said at the news conference. “I almost had to do it this way. It wasn’t a choice for me. A lot of people wanted to know, and it would be selfish for me not to.Jabari Parker abides by Mormon customs. He does not smoke or drink alcohol. Church services trump his basketball schedule, and he regularly attends Bible study classes before school.“Jabari’s faith defines who he is,” Lola Parker said. “Character is everything to our family because when you have faith in something other than yourself, then you become humble. He understands there is a responsibility that comes with all this.” 

Friday, December 7, 2012
Johnny Manziel in the race for the Heisman trophy
"Johnny Football" |
Johnny celebrating with teammates |
Manziel Celebrating after a TD against Florida |
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
NFL linebacker Jovan Belcher Murder Suicide
The Kasas City Chiefs were a 1-10 and there season felt lost. Then it took a turn for the worst when Middle Linebacker Jovan Belcher killed his longtime girlfriend then went to the team facility across the street from arrowhead stadium. He spoke to General Manager of the Chiefs Scott Pioli and Head Coach Romeo Crennel and his defensive coordinator and thanked them for the oppurtunity and when they asked him not to do it he said it was already to late. He went behind a parked car made a cross with his hands over his chest then shot himself in the head. Police released audio tapes of the 911 calls made by Belchers mother in the couples apartment.
"Oh my God. Oh my God. Cassie," Belcher's mother, Cheryl Shepherd, bawled. "The baby is crying ... Please get the ambulance here!"
"OK, we're on the way, " the dispatcher said. "We've been on the way the whole time. How old is the patient?"Twenty-two," the mother said.
"Is she breathing?" the dispatcher asked.
"She is still breathing but barely. Please hurry. I don't know how many times he shot her. They had been arguing ..." the mother said.
"OK, she's been shot?" the dispatcher asked.
Then moments later the mother seemed to direct her shouts to the wounded woman in the home.
"You hear me? Kasandra! Hey!. Stay with me!"
"Ma'am," the dispatcher said. "Listen. Is she awake?"
"She's barely," the mother said. "She's just barely. She is moving when I talk to her."
"OK," the dispatcher said.
"Oh, God," the mother moaned.
" Is she bleeding?" The dispatcher asked.
"Yes, she is ...."
But the rest of what's said was obscured by the screams of the young child.
A police officer gets on the phone and tries to get information about Belcher from the distraught mother.
The mother did not answer questions about the whereabouts of jovan
Instead, in a voice rising as the moments passed, the mother begged for an ambulance.
"Ma'am, the ambulance is on the way. What's your son's name? What kind of car did your son leave in? Or was he on foot?" the officer said.
There was no response.
"Sounds like she disconnected," the dispatcher said. " I wanted to give her some bleeding advice also ... Ma'am, are you there?"
But there was no response.
Jovan Belcher |
Jovan in a game against the Chargers |
Jovan Belcher |
And all that can be heard are the screams of the baby.Jovan shot his wife several times the kissed her on the forehead and said im sorry. The couple was allegedly had been arguing for a few months about financial problems and Kassandra staying out till 1 am the night before.The couple also recently had a 3 month old child.
duchess of cambridge pregnant
Prince William |
Kate Middleton |
Royal couple |
Friday, November 16, 2012
Former CIA Director David Petraeus testified Friday morning before the House Intelligence Committee as Congress seeks to find out why the September 11th attack on the U.S Consulate in Benghazi occurred and why greater protection was not provided to the facility. Petraeus will also testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee Friday. Both sessions were to be held behind closed doors and were not open to the public.House Intelligence Committee member Rep Peter King R from new york told reporters Friday morning after Petraeus testified that the initial talking points from the Obama administration to prepare officials for what they should say publicly in the first days after the attack had been changed to delete references to any al Qaida involvement in the event
King said he and his colleagues now needed to hear testimony from officials in the State Department the Defense Department and also people at the White House to see if anyone at the White House changed the talking points.King said I told him that I honestly disagreed with his recollection of what he told us on September 14 when the then CIA chief initially briefed House Intelligence Committee members about the events in Benghazi.Petraeus testified Friday that he thought all along he made it clear that there was significant terrorist involvement and that is not my recollection of what he told us on September14 King said.In the attack Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans Glen Doherty Tyrone Woods and Sean Smith were killed.Senator John McCain Republican from Arizona told NBCs Matt Lauer on Thursday that the most vital question Petraeus must answer when he testifies is why we were not prepared for this attack where there was ample evidence because of previous attacks and overwhelming intelligence information that attacks were very likely on our consulate there had been two attacks previously in April and June. On August 15 they sent back a message that in the case a concerted attack they could not defend the consulate.
The investigation into the Benghazi events has become a major focus for members of Congress returning to the Capitol after last weeks elections. The episode has political implications not only for President Barack Obama but for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who may run for president in 2016.Petraeus resigned one week ago after the revelation of his adulterous affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell.On Thursday night Senate Intelligence Committee chairwoman Dianne Feinstein a democrat previewed Petraeuss testimony before her committee emphasizing that her panel is focused now on the Benghazi events and not the ex CIA chiefs personal matters.
Director Petraeus went to Tripoli he interviewed many of the people as I understand it that were involved and so the opportunity to get his views I think is very important she told reporters.
At issue in the investigation and the political scrimmaging this week has been the question of why five days after the attack the administration dispatched U.N Ambassador Susan Rice to speak on the Sunday news shows to offer a preliminary explanation of the attack which she attributed to an anti Islamic video that was circulated on YouTube.Rice told NBCs David Gregory on Meet the Press September 16 that putting together the best information that we have available to us today our current assessment is that what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo almost a copycat of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo which were prompted of course by the video.
King said he and his colleagues now needed to hear testimony from officials in the State Department the Defense Department and also people at the White House to see if anyone at the White House changed the talking points.King said I told him that I honestly disagreed with his recollection of what he told us on September 14 when the then CIA chief initially briefed House Intelligence Committee members about the events in Benghazi.Petraeus testified Friday that he thought all along he made it clear that there was significant terrorist involvement and that is not my recollection of what he told us on September14 King said.In the attack Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans Glen Doherty Tyrone Woods and Sean Smith were killed.Senator John McCain Republican from Arizona told NBCs Matt Lauer on Thursday that the most vital question Petraeus must answer when he testifies is why we were not prepared for this attack where there was ample evidence because of previous attacks and overwhelming intelligence information that attacks were very likely on our consulate there had been two attacks previously in April and June. On August 15 they sent back a message that in the case a concerted attack they could not defend the consulate.
The investigation into the Benghazi events has become a major focus for members of Congress returning to the Capitol after last weeks elections. The episode has political implications not only for President Barack Obama but for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who may run for president in 2016.Petraeus resigned one week ago after the revelation of his adulterous affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell.On Thursday night Senate Intelligence Committee chairwoman Dianne Feinstein a democrat previewed Petraeuss testimony before her committee emphasizing that her panel is focused now on the Benghazi events and not the ex CIA chiefs personal matters.
Director Petraeus went to Tripoli he interviewed many of the people as I understand it that were involved and so the opportunity to get his views I think is very important she told reporters.
Protesters in Benghazi |
Petraus at a conference |
Petraus talking |
Ambassador Stevens |
Glen Doherty one of the seals killed |
Thursday, November 8, 2012
sullivan county recovering from superstorm sandy
a sidewalk lifted up |
people in line for gas |
electric workers working on powerlines |
A uprooted tree fell on a house |
Hurricane Sandy |
But it did lead to angry nerves and plenty of frustration across the county to the point that officials are calling for a roundtable meeting with NYSEG Central Hudson and Orange & Rockland.
The utilities had time to prepare for this storm but their response indicates that they did not said Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther. Theres a responsibility to the public that needs to be met and this round table discussion is about making sure that it is.
In the meantime local officials emergency responders and ordinary citizens helped the county survive a storm that at its height had knocked out electricity and roads in every single spot.We have no roads closed in the county whatsoever Martinkovic relievedly related yesterday morning.
He agreed We do a great job as a community looking after each other.The volunteer and paid emergency responders merited his highest praises thanking them for an outstanding job in taking care of the public.Thousands of trees were cut up several fires put out and at least seven carbon monoxide poisonings successfully treated during the past week.Those responders were coordinated from an emergency operations center the county set up near White Lake.Our team worked very professionally said Martinkovic. We had the doers here he saidSolid waste fees for storm debris only have been waived by the County Legislature through Sunday Nov 11. ASB Greenworld the brand new mulch plant in the Town of Bethel is accepting clean storm debris of trees and brush to convert into mulch instead of landfilling it. They are located at 848 Lt JG Brender Highway north of Mongaup Valley. To keep people from hoarding gas which briefly became a problem last week the county banned purchasing more gas and diesel than was necessary to fill a vehicle with an allowance for small containers used to get fuel for generators. Ag businesses were exempt from this prohibition. That ban has now been lifted.
Friday, October 26, 2012
surveillance footage shows shot cop killing robber
The NYPD released dramatic surveillance footage Thursday showing a wounded, off-duty police officer clutching his bloody chest 27 year old transit cop Ivan Marcano a four year veteran was shot in the chest
Wednesday evening as he left his car to help a man who was being
pistol whipped by muggers on Harrison Avenue in the Morris Heights section of the Bronx. When the officer flashed his shield and
identified himself he was shot by one suspect in the chest. Marcano got back into his car which was being driven by his girlfriend and
she started heading for a hospital. Thats when fate intervened. The surveillance footage shows the officers white car getting stuck behind a
white Mustang at a traffic light at the intersection of Harrision and West
Burnside Avenues. The Mustang lurches forward hits a black livery cab and
careens onto the sidewalk. Thats when Officer Marcano is seen leaving his own
car realizing the suspects who shot him just fled the Mustang.
Holding his left hand over his wound with his gun in his right hand Officer Marcano moved to the middle of the street Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly explained took cover behind the livery cab yelled to passersby to get down and fired. He moved a second time still holding a hand over his wound to the west side of Harrison Avenue where he took cover behind a parked car and fired another round at the suspects. In a remarkable display of marksmanship and cool under fire Officer Marcano fired striking one of the suspects in the head. That suspect died on the sidewalk next to the Mustang.The dead suspect was identified late Thursday afternoon as 18 year old Prince James of the Bronx. The NYPD also released a photo of 20 year old Jason Leiva identifying him as a person of interest in the case. Leiva was described as a male Hispanic 5’8 tall about 148 pounds.Officer Marcano underwent surgery Thursday to have the bullet removed from his chest and was expected to make a good recovery. Aldo Valencia a senior citizen who lives near the crime scene heard at least eight gunshots last evening. When he heard about Marcanos heroics he saidGod bless him! Hes still alive! Hes got guts this guy.PBA President Patrick Lynch visited the wounded officer at Bronx Lebanon Hospital Thursday afternoon and talked about the brazen new criminals not afraid to shoot a cop. A day before Officer Marcano was nearly killed an onduty Nassau County police officer Arthur Lopez was fatally shot point blank in the chest during a traffic stop on the Queens Nassau border.
Right now theyre not afraid and theyre trying to kill us Lynch said of armed thugs. The union president attributed the daring attitudes to a reduction in the number of police officers on the NYPD force. Were down seven thousand police officers Lynch said. Officer Ivan Marcano works in Transit District 12 in the Bronx and has been on the job about four years.

Holding his left hand over his wound with his gun in his right hand Officer Marcano moved to the middle of the street Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly explained took cover behind the livery cab yelled to passersby to get down and fired. He moved a second time still holding a hand over his wound to the west side of Harrison Avenue where he took cover behind a parked car and fired another round at the suspects. In a remarkable display of marksmanship and cool under fire Officer Marcano fired striking one of the suspects in the head. That suspect died on the sidewalk next to the Mustang.The dead suspect was identified late Thursday afternoon as 18 year old Prince James of the Bronx. The NYPD also released a photo of 20 year old Jason Leiva identifying him as a person of interest in the case. Leiva was described as a male Hispanic 5’8 tall about 148 pounds.Officer Marcano underwent surgery Thursday to have the bullet removed from his chest and was expected to make a good recovery. Aldo Valencia a senior citizen who lives near the crime scene heard at least eight gunshots last evening. When he heard about Marcanos heroics he saidGod bless him! Hes still alive! Hes got guts this guy.PBA President Patrick Lynch visited the wounded officer at Bronx Lebanon Hospital Thursday afternoon and talked about the brazen new criminals not afraid to shoot a cop. A day before Officer Marcano was nearly killed an onduty Nassau County police officer Arthur Lopez was fatally shot point blank in the chest during a traffic stop on the Queens Nassau border.
Right now theyre not afraid and theyre trying to kill us Lynch said of armed thugs. The union president attributed the daring attitudes to a reduction in the number of police officers on the NYPD force. Were down seven thousand police officers Lynch said. Officer Ivan Marcano works in Transit District 12 in the Bronx and has been on the job about four years.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Dolphin tries attacking people
Stinky the dolphin is lonely and hes getting way too frisky with humans.
The lone male bottlenose dolphin has been cavorting for months in waters off the Cayman Islands a rare case of a solo dolphin far from a pod of his fellows.The sight of the dolphin has delighted many boaters swimmers and divers but his antics confuse scientists who traveled to the archipelago to study him. They say Stinky is a danger to humans and they also worry the dolphin could hurt himself.He spent a fair amount of time engaging in very high risk behavior said Laura Engleby a marine mammal branch chief with the U.S National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. There is concern for his safety.She noted the dolphin has a fondness for boat propellers in motion and that he also likes to rub against anchors channel markers and mooring buoys cutting himself in the process.Scientists estimate he is roughly 20 years old given his worn down teeth and aging scars.Hes certainly been around the block said Trevor Spradlin a marine mammal biologist with NOAA who also traveled to the Cayman Island.sIt is unusual for bottlenose dolphins to separate from their pods with only about 30 such cases reported worldwide scientists said. Also puzzling is how Stinky arrived in the Cayman Islands given that the nearest pods of bottlenose dolphins are in Cuba and the Bahamas said Dr. Chris Dold vice president of veterinary services for SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment who also studied the dolphin.Dold said the absence of female dolphins might help explain Stinkys behavior.Whats unusual about this of course is not necessarily the behavior that this male dolphin is demonstrating, but that those behaviors appear to be directed toward people he said.Cayman Islands videographer Michael Maes can attest to that.He was scuba diving with his wife and a friend near Grand Cayman when he spotted Stinky. He tried to catch his wifes attention to no avail.I turned my head away from her and Stinky was there maybe 15 inches 38 centimeters away from me Maes said. His eyes went straight into my eyes so I went crazy like Hello Theres a dolphin.He began to film until his wife urged him to surface and leave Stinky alone.My wife he tried to eliminate her Maes said. He charged her like five times but forcefully.The dolphin then tried to mate with Maes who at one point put his back against a coral wall as he does when sharks approach.But a dolphin he just joins you Maes recalled with a laugh.The incident was caught on a sometimes frightening video that has been viewed nearly half a million times on YouTube.Maes said he posted the video to warn people to leave Stinky alone. This is not a swim with the dolphins sort of animal. He said a few days after his encounter a woman tried to ride Stinkys dorsal fin and bit.People just don't get the message he said. Leave those dolphins alone.The Cayman Islands Department of Environment has said it will launch an education campaign to highlight that message.The NOAA biologists urged people to get out of the water if they spot Stinky because they could get injured. The dolphin has demonstrated aggressive behavior such as opening his mouth wide which some people misinterpret as a welcoming smile that is quite the contrary Spradlin said.He has done jaw pops tail slapping chuffing pushing charging he said. People need to understand these warning signs.Spradlin said that integrating Stinky into a pod of dolphins elsewhere in the region is not realistic because scientists do not know enough about him. There are two types of bottlenose dolphins those who live near coastal areas and those who live in deep water.It is unclear to which group Stinky once belonged.Hes left by himself Spradlin said. Hes been socializing obviously with people and with vessels.Local government officials also considered placing Stinky in captivity especially since the island already has two dolphinariums.But Engleby rejected that idea saying its best to keep the dolphin in its natural environment.A public display would be an option of absolute last resort she said. This situation can be managed as long as people manage their behavior

Stinky the angry dolphin
The lone male bottlenose dolphin has been cavorting for months in waters off the Cayman Islands a rare case of a solo dolphin far from a pod of his fellows.The sight of the dolphin has delighted many boaters swimmers and divers but his antics confuse scientists who traveled to the archipelago to study him. They say Stinky is a danger to humans and they also worry the dolphin could hurt himself.He spent a fair amount of time engaging in very high risk behavior said Laura Engleby a marine mammal branch chief with the U.S National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. There is concern for his safety.She noted the dolphin has a fondness for boat propellers in motion and that he also likes to rub against anchors channel markers and mooring buoys cutting himself in the process.Scientists estimate he is roughly 20 years old given his worn down teeth and aging scars.Hes certainly been around the block said Trevor Spradlin a marine mammal biologist with NOAA who also traveled to the Cayman Island.sIt is unusual for bottlenose dolphins to separate from their pods with only about 30 such cases reported worldwide scientists said. Also puzzling is how Stinky arrived in the Cayman Islands given that the nearest pods of bottlenose dolphins are in Cuba and the Bahamas said Dr. Chris Dold vice president of veterinary services for SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment who also studied the dolphin.Dold said the absence of female dolphins might help explain Stinkys behavior.Whats unusual about this of course is not necessarily the behavior that this male dolphin is demonstrating, but that those behaviors appear to be directed toward people he said.Cayman Islands videographer Michael Maes can attest to that.He was scuba diving with his wife and a friend near Grand Cayman when he spotted Stinky. He tried to catch his wifes attention to no avail.I turned my head away from her and Stinky was there maybe 15 inches 38 centimeters away from me Maes said. His eyes went straight into my eyes so I went crazy like Hello Theres a dolphin.He began to film until his wife urged him to surface and leave Stinky alone.My wife he tried to eliminate her Maes said. He charged her like five times but forcefully.The dolphin then tried to mate with Maes who at one point put his back against a coral wall as he does when sharks approach.But a dolphin he just joins you Maes recalled with a laugh.The incident was caught on a sometimes frightening video that has been viewed nearly half a million times on YouTube.Maes said he posted the video to warn people to leave Stinky alone. This is not a swim with the dolphins sort of animal. He said a few days after his encounter a woman tried to ride Stinkys dorsal fin and bit.People just don't get the message he said. Leave those dolphins alone.The Cayman Islands Department of Environment has said it will launch an education campaign to highlight that message.The NOAA biologists urged people to get out of the water if they spot Stinky because they could get injured. The dolphin has demonstrated aggressive behavior such as opening his mouth wide which some people misinterpret as a welcoming smile that is quite the contrary Spradlin said.He has done jaw pops tail slapping chuffing pushing charging he said. People need to understand these warning signs.Spradlin said that integrating Stinky into a pod of dolphins elsewhere in the region is not realistic because scientists do not know enough about him. There are two types of bottlenose dolphins those who live near coastal areas and those who live in deep water.It is unclear to which group Stinky once belonged.Hes left by himself Spradlin said. Hes been socializing obviously with people and with vessels.Local government officials also considered placing Stinky in captivity especially since the island already has two dolphinariums.But Engleby rejected that idea saying its best to keep the dolphin in its natural environment.A public display would be an option of absolute last resort she said. This situation can be managed as long as people manage their behavior
Monday, October 15, 2012
25 species on brink of extinction
Twenty five species of monkeys langurs lemurs and gorillas are on the brink of extinction and need global action to protect them from increasing deforestation and illegal trafficking researchers said Monday.Six of the severely threatened species live in the island nation of Madagascar off southeast Africa. Five more from mainland Africa five from South America and nine species in Asia are among those listed as most threatened.The report by the International Union for Conservation of Nature was released at the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity being held in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad.Primates mankinds closest living relatives contribute to the ecosystem by dispersing seeds and maintaining forest diversity.Conservation efforts have helped several species of primates that are no longer listed as endangered said the report prepared every two years by some of the worlds leading primate experts.The report which counts species and subspecies of primates across the world, noted that Madagascars lemurs are severely threatened by habitat destruction and illegal hunting which has accelerated dramatically since the change of power in the country in 2009.Among the most severely hit was the northern sportive lemur with only 19 known individuals left in the wild in Madagascar.Lemurs are now one of the worlds most endangered groups of mammals after more than three years of political crisis and a lack of effective enforcement in their home country Madagascar said Christoph Schwitzer of the Bristol Conservation and Science Foundation one of the groups involved in the study.A similar crisis is happening in Southeast Asia where trade in wildlife is bringing many primates very close to extinction Schwitzer said.More than half of the worlds 633 types of primates are in danger of becoming extinct because of human activity such as the burning and clearing of tropical forests the hunting of primates for food and the illegal wildlife trade.While the situation appears dire for some species wildlife researchers say conservation efforts are beginning to pay off with several primates being removed from the list now in its seventh edition.
Indias lion tailed macaque and Madagascars greater bamboo lemur have been taken off the endangered inventory for 2012 after the targeted species appeared to have recovered.
Also, conservation efforts have ensured that the world did not lose a single primate species to extinction in the 20th century and no primate has been declared extinct so far this century said Russell Mittermeier president of Conservation International and the chairman of the IUCN Species Survival Commission's primate specialist group.Amazingly we continue to discover new species every year since 2000. What is more primates are increasingly becoming a major ecotourism attraction and primate watching is growing in interest Mittermeier said.In a separate report on global urbanization released Monday at the Hyderabad conference, the United Nations urged urban planners to incorporate green spaces in cities as more and more people move away from rural areas in search of work.Green areas in big cities perform important ecological functions like filtering dust absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and improving air quality the Convention on Biological Diversity said in its new assessment.The Cities and Biodiversity Outlook is the first global analysis of how urban land expansion will impact biodiversity in the coming decades.The worlds total urban area is expected to triple between 2000 and 2030 with urban populations set to double to around 4.9 billion in the same period.Data from the United Kingdom show that a 10 percent increase in tree canopy cover in cities may result in a 3 to4 degree Celsius decrease in ambient temperature thus reducing energy used for air conditioning the report said.Urban biodiversity also delivers important health benefits, with studies showing that proximity to trees can reduce the prevalence of childhood asthma and allergies.

Indias lion tailed macaque and Madagascars greater bamboo lemur have been taken off the endangered inventory for 2012 after the targeted species appeared to have recovered.
Also, conservation efforts have ensured that the world did not lose a single primate species to extinction in the 20th century and no primate has been declared extinct so far this century said Russell Mittermeier president of Conservation International and the chairman of the IUCN Species Survival Commission's primate specialist group.Amazingly we continue to discover new species every year since 2000. What is more primates are increasingly becoming a major ecotourism attraction and primate watching is growing in interest Mittermeier said.In a separate report on global urbanization released Monday at the Hyderabad conference, the United Nations urged urban planners to incorporate green spaces in cities as more and more people move away from rural areas in search of work.Green areas in big cities perform important ecological functions like filtering dust absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and improving air quality the Convention on Biological Diversity said in its new assessment.The Cities and Biodiversity Outlook is the first global analysis of how urban land expansion will impact biodiversity in the coming decades.The worlds total urban area is expected to triple between 2000 and 2030 with urban populations set to double to around 4.9 billion in the same period.Data from the United Kingdom show that a 10 percent increase in tree canopy cover in cities may result in a 3 to4 degree Celsius decrease in ambient temperature thus reducing energy used for air conditioning the report said.Urban biodiversity also delivers important health benefits, with studies showing that proximity to trees can reduce the prevalence of childhood asthma and allergies.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Miami marlins Adam Greenberg gets second chance
The roaring crowd rose as one when Adam Greenberg walked to the plate for the first time in seven years and Marlins teammates leaning over the dugout railing joined the applause.
Three strikes later they were cheering still. Greenbergs second chance in the major leagues went a lot better than the first one even though he struck out.
It was magical he said. The energy in the stadium was something I never experienced and I dont know if I will ever experience it again. You could just feel the genuine support. It was awesome.
Beaned by the first pitch he saw in the majors in 2005 Greenberg made a comeback Tuesday Greenberg signed a oneday contract before the game and led off the sixth inning against New York Mets 20 game winner R.A. Dickey who threw him three consecutive knuckleballs. Greenberg took the first for a strike then swung at the next two and missed. He fanned on three pitches as a pinch hitter for Miami. The Marlins won 4-3 in 11 innings.The game was Greenbergs first since his major league debut with the Chicago Cubs in 2005 when he was hit in the back of the head by the first pitch he saw a 92 mph fastball that derailed his career.Back in the big leagues at age 31 Greenberg took part in batting practice and then watched the early innings from the bench. After Rob Brantly homered he received a celebratory chest bump from a grinning Greenberg in the dugout.
By the fifth inning Greenberg had a bat in his hands as he paced in the dugout. In the sixth manager Ozzie Guillen sent him up to bat for outfielder Bryan Petersen.
Guillen a former player watched as Greenberg walked to the plate and the ballpark shook with a roar.
You know what went through my mind? Guillen said. I said how lucky I was to get 10,000 at bats in the big leagues.
Greenberg swung under an 80 mph knuckler for strike three and the crowd groaned then renewed its cheers as Greenberg returned to the bench. He smiled as he received a hug and back slaps from Jose Reyes high fives from other teammates and a whisper in the ear from Guillen.
A lot of mixed emotions there getting high fived after a strikeout by the entire team Greenberg said. It was different.
When Greenberg slipped his bat into the rack he was still grinning. The at bat had lasted 33 seconds.
Its going to last an eternity for me he said.
Guillen replaced him in the lineup before the next inning.

Three strikes later they were cheering still. Greenbergs second chance in the major leagues went a lot better than the first one even though he struck out.
It was magical he said. The energy in the stadium was something I never experienced and I dont know if I will ever experience it again. You could just feel the genuine support. It was awesome.
Beaned by the first pitch he saw in the majors in 2005 Greenberg made a comeback Tuesday Greenberg signed a oneday contract before the game and led off the sixth inning against New York Mets 20 game winner R.A. Dickey who threw him three consecutive knuckleballs. Greenberg took the first for a strike then swung at the next two and missed. He fanned on three pitches as a pinch hitter for Miami. The Marlins won 4-3 in 11 innings.The game was Greenbergs first since his major league debut with the Chicago Cubs in 2005 when he was hit in the back of the head by the first pitch he saw a 92 mph fastball that derailed his career.Back in the big leagues at age 31 Greenberg took part in batting practice and then watched the early innings from the bench. After Rob Brantly homered he received a celebratory chest bump from a grinning Greenberg in the dugout.
By the fifth inning Greenberg had a bat in his hands as he paced in the dugout. In the sixth manager Ozzie Guillen sent him up to bat for outfielder Bryan Petersen.
Guillen a former player watched as Greenberg walked to the plate and the ballpark shook with a roar.
You know what went through my mind? Guillen said. I said how lucky I was to get 10,000 at bats in the big leagues.
Greenberg swung under an 80 mph knuckler for strike three and the crowd groaned then renewed its cheers as Greenberg returned to the bench. He smiled as he received a hug and back slaps from Jose Reyes high fives from other teammates and a whisper in the ear from Guillen.
A lot of mixed emotions there getting high fived after a strikeout by the entire team Greenberg said. It was different.
When Greenberg slipped his bat into the rack he was still grinning. The at bat had lasted 33 seconds.
Its going to last an eternity for me he said.
Guillen replaced him in the lineup before the next inning.
Friday, September 28, 2012
California man behind anti muslim film ordered jailed
The mystery surrounding the man behind the rudely produced anti Islamic video that sparked violence in the Middle East took a strange turn after he appeared in court and gave yet another name in a string of different names.Arrested on Thursday after authorities said he violated his probation from a 2010 check fraud conviction Nakoula Basseley Nakoula told a judge his real name was Mark Basseley Youseff. He said hed been using that name since 2002 even though he went by Nakoula in his fraud case.The full story about Nakoula and the video Innocence of Muslims still isnt known more than two weeks after violence erupted in Egypt and Libya where Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others were killed in Benghazi. Violence related to the film has since spread killing dozens more.Citing a lengthy pattern of deception and the potential to flee U.S Central District Chief Magistrate Judge Suzanne Segal ordered Nakoula to remain in prison without bond until another judge can hold a hearing to determine if he broke the terms of his probation.The court has a lack of trust in this defendant at this time Segal said.Prosecutors noted Nakoula had eight probation violations including lying to his probation officers and using fake names. He could face new charges that carry a maximum two year prison term .After his 2010 conviction Nakoula was sentenced to 21 months in prison and was barred from using computers or the Internet for five years without approval from his probation officer though prosecutors said none of the violations involved the Internet. He also wasnt supposed to use any name other than his true legal name without the prior written approval of his probation officer.
Connecticut man kills masked teen finds out its his son
During what appeared to be an attempted late night burglary a man fatally shot
a masked teenager in self defense outside his neighbors house and then
discovered it was his son state police said.
Spokesman Lt. J Paul Vance said Friday that it will be at least a week
before the investigation is done. Police said 15 year old Tyler Giuliano was shot at about 1 a.m. Thursday in
New Fairfield a town along the New York line just north of Danbury. A woman who was alone in the home believed someone was breaking in and called
the teens father Jeffrey Giuliano who lives next door state police said. The
father grabbed a gun and went outside to investigate troopers said The father confronted someone wearing a black ski mask and black clothing and
then fired his gun when the person went at him with a shiny weapon in his hand
police said. When police officers arrived the teen was lying in the driveway of the
woman's home with gunshot wounds and the father was sitting on the grass. The teen was pronounced dead at the scene police said. All in all its a tragedy Vance said.

T-Mobile sells rights to towers
Crown Castle major wireless tower operator has agreed to pay T mobile $2.4 billion in cash for rights to 7200 cell phone towers.Under the transaction Crown Castle will lease the towers for 28 years after which time it will have the option to purchase the assets from T Mobile.
The deal comes as T Mobile a unit of Deutsche Telekom tries to find its way in the aftermath of A TAT failed $39 billion bid for the American subsidiary, which crumbled last year from regulatory opposition. Since the deal collapsed Deutsche Telekoms management team has reiterated the need for new investment and increased network capacity. On Friday the company said it would use the proceeds to pay down debt and improve its network service.We are pleased to reach this mutually beneficial agreement with Crown Castle John Legere the head of T Mobile USA said in a statement on Friday. T Mobile USA is working aggressively to make our 4G network stronger faster and more dependable for consumers and this transaction will support our ongoing $4 billion network modernization initiative that is the cornerstone of this effort.
The deal comes as T Mobile a unit of Deutsche Telekom tries to find its way in the aftermath of A TAT failed $39 billion bid for the American subsidiary, which crumbled last year from regulatory opposition. Since the deal collapsed Deutsche Telekoms management team has reiterated the need for new investment and increased network capacity. On Friday the company said it would use the proceeds to pay down debt and improve its network service.We are pleased to reach this mutually beneficial agreement with Crown Castle John Legere the head of T Mobile USA said in a statement on Friday. T Mobile USA is working aggressively to make our 4G network stronger faster and more dependable for consumers and this transaction will support our ongoing $4 billion network modernization initiative that is the cornerstone of this effort.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Syria says 300 died in one day
None of the figures given by the Observatory to the Reuters news agency could
be seperatly verified due to the Syrian regimes restrictions on
journalists in the country.Victims of the alleged massacre in al Dhiyabia were shown in a video posted
online by activists. The rebels say there were men of all ages and women and
children among the dead but the video showed the corpses only of men ranging
in age from their teens to what looks like there 60s.The Observatory claimed that as many as 107 people may have been killed by
forces in al Dhiyabia.
Stats given Wednesday by different groups and the United Nations show Syrias civil war is getting worse not better. A well known opposition group the Britain based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that more than 300 Syrians were killed on Wednesday alone including at least 40 in what rebels described as the latest massacre by Syrian troops in a town south of Damascus.
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